David had never had a ‘birthday week off work’ until we got
together and now it has become an annual fixture. I am already planning next
years – our birthdays are on the weekend in 2022 so I might do a Wednesday – Tuesday
week off instead of Monday – Friday. Important thoughts. I need to get my year
planner for next year so I can start pencilling things in and then I can
fit work in around it. My diary is already full until the end of March, and the
annual leave requests reset on April 1st so I need to get them
planned and ready to go.
Anyhoo, I’ve fallen out of love with blogging again. In fact,
I’ve fallen out of love with most things lately. No get up and go for it has
got up and gone. Had a big ol’ snotty cry last night. Things are not great in my
head and I really, really, really, REALLY don’t want to go back to work. Can I be
furloughed again? Can I retire now but on full pay? Can I spend the rest of my
days pottering around the garden and allotment and antiques shops? I wish. Truth
is for the most part I love my job, I’m just in a rough patch. It’s the
complete opposite of last year when I was sat twiddling my thumbs wishing to be
busy, and now I am picking at my thumbs with anxiety wishing I had time to
breathe. Ho hum. Life goes on. Plod along, one day at a time.
I have only spent a few hours at the allotment this week – I
purposely wanted at least three days without driving anywhere and I managed
four in a row wahooooo. The plot is looking ok, the polytunnel crops are hit and
miss but I gave the beds a good soaking and hopefully they’ll pick up. I also put
in more seeds – spinach, rocket, corn salad, winter hardy spring onion, peas,
and lettuce. There are now also two trays of seedlings of hollyhock and foxglove
in there to over winter. The hollyhocks look a bit sad but they might be
alright. Might. I have started to clear the raised beds and cover them with cardboard
and tarps to try and kill mares tail, bindweed, couch grass, creeping buttercup,
and the new one creeping cinquefoil. Doing well for spready plants on this new
plot. I have also pulled a lot of thistles. There isn’t a lot to do at the plot
really, just weeding and clearing. The cosmos that I grew from seed (!!!!!!!!!)
are FABULOUS and I love them. I am leaving the sunflowers for wildlife, and the
rest of the beds can be left as they are for now. I have one bed ready for
garlic and need to prep one for onion seed in the new year. Though I might
start the seed in module trays now. Hmm.
Some of the polytunnel floor herbs are thriving |
Squash from Mommas, chard and carrots from mine |
We had a 12hr jaunt down to Lulworth Cove to play on the paddle
boards. My first time. Can I stand up? Nope. I have invented a new sport of SDP
– sit down paddleboarding. Much better. We have ironed out some issues with the
valves and decided we need a little tool in the kit bag to help us get the fins
off afterward. This is going to be a very expensive hobby once we start
factoring in neoprene boots, gloves, dry suits…
Birthday cake care of Gloucester Services |
David has bought me some more antique bone crochet hooks for
my collection, and I got a couple myself. I am going to make a timber storage &
display rack for them because currently they are all sat in a glasses case
hidden away.
The knife is not mine |
I have been very anxious this week so I have made another
gonk, started a hat but ran out of wool, started a pair of wrist warmers but
ran out of wool, started to think about making a hat for my new carved owl but couldn’t
decide which colour to use… ho hum. I also need to darn my woollen socks AGAIN (sixth
time now) because new holes keep popping up. Either I am not very good at sock
making or the house is not woollen sock friendly because I keep snagging. I
hope the christmas fairy reads this and gets me my very own darning mushroom
because I think I’ma need one of my own.
Hat |
Wrist warmers |
We have been for a bike ride, my fourth in 20years. I still
don’t like it, I’m just not comfortable on a bike, especially when there are corners
and inclines involved. We cycled up the track and into the woods over the road.
We have also been to buy a new saddle for my bike – my third one now to try and
find one that’s comfy and suitable for a fat ass – and D has also been to buy a new saddle stem because the new saddle won’t fit properly on the old one.
It’s been a slow but good and productive week this week and I’ve
really needed the time off. I was intending to be at the allotment today but I don’t
drive when I’m in a mood like this, I don’t trust myself to not drive into a
tree. So instead, I am having a day at home, darning, cooking, cleaning, maybe
(definitely) yoga-ing. Also netflixing because I have found a new series and it’s
So my brain is being a monumental shit-lord again and there’s
a lot of stuff going on that can’t be dealt with for a few more weeks yet. I
just want to bury my head and pretend it’s not happening but 1) it is happening
and 2) I need to pull up my big girl panties and deal with it. Them. There’s
more than one thing. There’s always more than one thing.
My plan for this week then: work, pick up my new glasses,
take lots of selfies and pretend to be glam, reorganise my work calendar to be
more reflective/accurate, spend less time on Instagram, start bendy stretchy
again for 30mins a day, eat more fruit (I’ve hardly eaten any this week and I wonder
why I feel so shit?), drink more water.
Also we've been in the countryside for six weeks now and I still haven't had any peaches.
Every morning the blue tits come to the lounge window breakfast bar |
Toot toooooooooooooooooooooot |
Went somewhere with a big bridge |
Silk button galls that have fallen off the oak tree |
Turns out it's a stud wall. |
He's a lumberjack and he's ok |
A bit of a theme for 33 |
How long before D gets sick of mowing the lawn and lets me turn it all over to flowers? |
Arnold, my new friend |
Osprey military plane |
Davids present that he can very much keep for himself because I don't like whiskey |
Davids new match pot that I wanted but I bought it for him because that's what love is. |