All links open in new windows, and all pics were taken by me!
I went on an office day out to Wales! We went to join the
Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust for the day, to see how another Trust works, how
reserves management differs across areas and environments, and also to go and
see their osprey project at one of their reserves. It was a glorious sunny day,
and a beaut of a drive in a minibus; a wrong turn meant a trip up at 20%
incline, some rocks and driving through the Snowdonia National Park. I saw my
first ever red kite (bird), a lizard, two water buffalo, and three ospreys.
Pretty Good Day!
Rocks. |
Along the boardwalk heading to the osprey observatory. |
Osprey observatory. |
Was takin' photos through the 'scope using my phone... |
 | see Glesni's head popping out! |
Water buffalo! |