Saturday, 23 March 2019

Windowsill Gardening

This is something I do every year. I usually start peas and beans off in my window as I have wide windowseat and it is south facing. This year however, my dragon fruit cacti and aloe pups are taking over – so I have much less room for peas and beans!

I have managed to clear a bit of space and have started some things off. When these are big enough to be planted out, I will then start the next batch of seeds. So  far I have sweetcorn, I sowed 15 seeds and have 12 at the moment. I also have 6 tagetes (French Marigolds), and these are just starting to get their true leaves. I also have 2 artichokes (I have never grown these, but the bees, hoverflies, butterflies and moths LOVE the flowers), and I also have some celery seedlings poking through. I’ve never done celery either, so these two are very much an experiment.

One of my work sites has a visitor kitchen area and there are piles of single-use disposable coffee cups available. I hate them. They’re SO bad for the environment, not helped by our ‘use once and throw away’ culture we seem to have. I have collected a few of these to use as plant pots, and I have put a sunflower seed in each one. These are on my windowseat but I plan to collect more cups and make a ‘grow your own’ display at this work site, to encourage people to reuse them, or choose an alternative.

I prefer to grow things in my window rather than the greenhouse as I can keep a closer eye on them. They are also less likely to be moused, slugged, or spidered! Although I have before now had slugs sliming their way across the windowseat as they were in the soil when I potted something up.

Next on the list are more sweetcorn, more sunflowers, peas, beans and then pumpkins.
