June on the allotment has been both quiet yet productive. I haven’t
done any big work at Plot 31 this month as I have been quite busy at work and I
tend to not do big jobs in the evening.
I have been harvesting salad crops pretty much every week.
Momma and I have been going up a few nights a week to water everything. The
sunflowers that I thought would die have burst into life, the sunflowers grown
from seed are still growing but are now forming flower heads. The herb bed is
full to the brim and is in desperate need of weeding – but I have big plans for
this bed which will have to wait until later in the year when everything has
stopped flowering.
There is still no sign of any parsnips even though I have
put down seed tape. I hope they are just being slow. I was really looking
forward to homegrown parsnips this year!
My first yellow raspberries of the year were looking great
and plump and juicy and ready for eating – the local wildlife must’ve thought
the same as I have none left now! My redcurrant bush has been stripped, but the
blackcurrant is so far unscathed.
In July I am going to order more timber to get cracking on
some new raised beds down towards the front of the plot. This area tends to
flood so building up the ground level well above the water table should mean
things don’t rot in the ground. I may be able to start growing potatoes again!
Plot 4 is looking amazing. I have been picking peas and
eating them straight from the pod, had a few mini courgettes, and we have
started digging up potatoes.
Spring onions, beetroot, carrots |
Peas |
My first garlic! |
Parsnip seed tape. It looks like loo roll. |
Mint moth. On mint! (lime balm actually) |
Yellow raspberries |
Banana courgettes |