Thursday 10 June 2021

Mental Health Day

Lots of things going on in my life and in my head, not all of it good. I am trying to reclaim my lunchbreaks and actually have a break but it isn’t going well thus far. I have taken today off work as a mental health day because I feel like I am getting very close to being signed off for a few weeks and I am trying to avoid that.

I have made a two week meal plan for lunches so that I don't have to decide what to eat. When I was working from home all the time I was doing really well at having good proper breaks, but now that I am back on site I am just not doing it. And I need to. 

Today I have decided that I am not going to schedule any more blog posts relating to the journey home from Saudi. I feel like I am half-arsing it, and that’s not something that I want to do or enjoy doing. I would rather do it properly, with date correct pictures, more background info, maybe memories that I have incorrectly remembered from the trip. It was more of a vanity project I think, but I would rather do it properly with more time to prep it all. So that’s that. No more posts, but I won't delete the other ones - yet.

I haven’t left the house today except for going out in the back garden and trimming the planters in the front garden / on the driveway.

In the garden I have:

·       Pricked out and potted up lemon balm, verbena bonariensis, basil, and foxglove seedlings.

·       Sowed a crap ton more seeds including

o   nasturtium (obvs – also sidenote, I now have ten different types in my tiny garden),

o   calendula,

o   tagetes,

o   clary,

o   globe thistle,

o   artichoke,

o   sunflower (now I have another 16 to find space for, on top of the 16 that are growing, and the 16 that I planted out two weeks ago… 16 because I can get 16 toilet roll tubes in a haribo sweetie box, and no they can't go to the allotment as I already have 16 there too...),

o   poppy,

o   common toadflax,

o   white campion,

o   chives, and

o   mixed red flowers for wildlife.

·       I have also planted up the mint cuttings from the kitchen windowsill.

I need a bigger garden.

In the front garden/driveway I cleared up the leaves, trimmed the roses, chopped down the remains of varying bulbs, cut back the buddleia as it had dead bits, and then planted seeds in the planters:

·       Nasturtium (obvs)

·       Calendula (also obvs)

·       Tagetes (…)

·       Poppy

So hopefully this summer the garden will be FULL of joy and life and happy and bright and colour. I also noticed today that the little over-fence hanging pots wot I got last year are also popping up with new growth – I put seeds in them last weekend. No guesses what?

What else have I done today? Not a fat lot. It’s been a good day. I’m not one for relaxing but pottering around the garden doing bits and pieces has been reet good.

Monsieur Hoppity is still in the garden. We are pretty sure it is a migratory locust and probably not a monsieur. Last seen between the courgette pots.

Last weekend - potted up the courgettes, squash & pumpkins. I now have 18 plants in the garden... 

Over fence pots. They have snowdrops and crocus bulbs in, and are now planted with (guess?) nasturtium and possibly some other things. I want flowers cascading down the fence.

Ooh look more nasturtium

Turned all the lights back on because they went spazzy last year but they seem to be working ok now

This was about 10pm - still light


First strawb from the garden! 


Foxglove, clem, flamingo

Basil seedlings, grown from seed

The blue bucket is now full of vegetation from the front garden waiting to be put in the green bin.

Snaps! I bought these last summer at Sainsburys, it was a MASSIVE plant, I got it home and planted it as a clump. When it finished I split it into 5 and replanted them, and they've survived over winter outside even with all the snow, AND they're now flowering again! Not bad for a fiver.

....Nasturtium, of course. Also some other things.

Clematis wall. There's more flowers up top but these ones are HUUUUGGGEE


Foxglove, seed tray (guess), amaranthus, tomato plants. Caulis in the trough planter and gladioli in the yellow bucket.

Haribo tubs with sunflowers, hollyhock plugs (mail order, none of my seeds have grown), varying trays of things. THINGS. Other trays include aquilegia, pak choi, possibly some snakes head frittilary.

A wee seedgrown verbena bon

Green and green and green and green. The planter has hibiscus, chives, strawbs, sunflowers, nasturtium, and I think tagetes. Pot to the right is yellow raspberries, pots at the front are mostly mint.

And a wee foxglove to finish,