Friday 9 December 2022

Allotment Life: November 2022

I have had one day at the allotment in November, and by one day I mean a couple of hours. Momma P and I wandered up just to check things, so there’s nothing much to report and not many photos!

Lots of flowers were still growing well in November and I’ve been picking fresh raspberries all month.

Strawberry flowers in November

One garlic bed is growing really well, the other isn’t growing at all (yet – am hoping they’re just being slow because this bed had 48 garlics in and I would like to harvest at least half of them).

November to do list:

·       Sort the polytunnel. Get rid of the cardboard that is slowly rotting away (it is soaking wet), stake the raised beds properly, have a good ol’ clear out and sort, dig out the chamomile and replant it elsewhere, AND THEN replace the cover with enviromesh.

·       Keep topping up with shop bought peat free compost. I’ve done 3 beds, I have lots more to do.

·       Plant onions. I’ve got loads of seed so I am going to direct sow some now, and then more in February.

November to-done list:

·       Nada

·       Nothing

·       Zilch

I need to dig out my autumn/winter master to do list to see what else I wanted to get on with. I have two weeks off work over the festive holiday and I usually spend a fair amount of that time at the allotment getting things sorted for the new year.

A short and sweet post for this month, but I wanted to have something on record anyway, even if it wasn’t great.