I planned to have an indoor day, so I spent a few hours up
at the allotment weeding, chopping back grass, painting timber for a raised
bed, sowing more seeds, harvesting a lone radish that wasn’t big enough last
week, feeding the birds, watching the bees, and planting nasturtium plants!
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A wee bee. |
Aside from the allotment, I have been crocheting – I have
started the second half of my temperature blanket project and counted them both
three times to make sure I had the same number of stitches, convinced myself
they were the same, counted again, and the new one was twenty stitches less
than the other! Instead of frogging (ripping it all out) it, I decided to make
a 20-stitch wide patch to tack on the end, this would be much faster. I’ve now
added it to the blanket and started the next few rows so hopefully now it is
the same width as the first blanket!
I have been playing with clay as well – I bought some new
soft Fimo from eBay; I am very excited by their new colours and now want to buy
ALL OF IT. I have been faffing around just to get used to it again, I always
used to use the classic clay but I have been buying soft to make it easier on
my hands. I think they both have their merits; soft gets very squidgy very
quickly but is easier to work. I have made a few bits and pieces, and tried out
the ammonite moulds I made last week. I enjoyed it so much that I have ordered
yet more clay from eBay and I have been browsing the internet for inspiration!
I want to start making Things again; sculptures and models and useful things. In
a previous life I used to make beads by the billions so I don’t need any more
of those.
After all of the crochet and clay excitement, I decided to
have a whittle! I have been making plant labels by whittling a twig at one end
to produce a flat surface, and they are quick and easy to make, but I really
need to learn how to sharpen my knife and get an edge back on it.
I am still collecting avocado stones whenever I buy one but I
haven’t carved one for a while. I really struggle with 3D carving – I can do
flat relief but anything 3D is currently beyond me. I think I peaked early with
my little avo-carv-o hedgehog I made; nothing will ever top that.