Sunday 21 October 2018

Turning 30; Pledges to Myself.

So, I’m 30 now. I am still full of anxiety and panic about this. I still feel useless, full of imposter syndrome, sad, lost, old, achey. I still feel unaccomplished and like I’ll never amount to anything.

I have decided that I need to make some pledges to myself to live a happier, calmer, more relaxed, less target driven life. I am doing this to slow down, to take control, to readdress my work/life balance, to enjoy things as they are right now. One day at a time.

For my 30th year I pledge to;
- Spend less time on social media. I spend far too much time aimlessly scrolling. Sometimes it inspires me, sometimes it makes me laugh, sometimes I share cartoons with people, but overall it doesn’t really add anything to my life and I am constantly distracted by it. So, less social media. More time engaging in things that fulfils me.

- Make time for things I enjoy. This means several things.
- I want to spend more time at my allotment, getting dirty, getting fresh air, being outside, watching the world grow and develop and pass through the seasons. I will spend at least two hours a week at the allotment, doing Something. My list of winter jobs is growing ever longer and I want 2019 to be my most productive allotment year yet.

- I am currently working on several craft projects. I have four blanket works-in-progress. I have a wreath project. I have a list of things I want to do and make for people in my life. I want to learn new crochet skills and practice what I already have. I want to hook slow & die cold. Crochet is a meditation for me and taking time out to chill and slow down is often a perfect remedy for a busy life.

- Following on from this, I want to make new friends. I don’t know how to make friends. I never leave the house unless I’m going to work. I joined a new crochet group earlier this year and I have yet to go to a meet up. I pledge to attend once a month (Yolanda you may need to remind me of this!)

- I am going to feel better about myself and I am going to take steps to make myself feel better about myself. I hate myself. I hate my body, I hate my belly, I hate my chunky thighs. I hate my double/treble chin and my podgy face.

- I am going to exercise more often. I have started going swimming again this year after my local leisure centre was knocked down and rebuilt. I only aim for 10 lengths, and for me this is a good target. I enjoy getting out and spending time with my momma. I like doing something. I like swimming. I am also starting to hula hoop more often, aiming for three times a week. I want to start a pilates class but keep finding excuses. From November I will stop making excuses and I will go to pilates at least once a month.

I will start slow and build up – I know how good I am at saying I’m going to do something and then not doing it because I’ve built myself up to a huge task but don’t know how to start. Small steps lead up to a big leap.

I also want to use this year, this decade, to learn new skills and to develop myself. I really want to become good at green woodworking but I never practice it. I am going to look at courses so I can learn how to hold a knife properly without taking a chunk out of my thumb. I am going to start practicing more.

I also pledge to do more that makes me happy. Currently this involves buying Disney movie soundtracks and listening to them while I drive. No shame.

Living a simple life also means that I have made the decision to dye my hair brown, and to let my hair relax and grow and be healthy without being bleached every eight weeks.