Friday, 2 June 2017
Day 02; #30DaysWild - Allotment
On day two I visited my allotment to check up on how things are growing. The red currants are starting to go red, my pumpkin plants are developing their flower buds, and the chard, parsnip and lettuce are looking great. I harvested some things to use in my lunch for work tomorrow, and I also watched some tree bumblebees going in and out of their nest. Also, I managed to not take my hayfever medication today, so I left the allotment in a fit of sneezes and runny eyes.
Every June the Wildlife Trusts run a campaign called 30 Days Wild. This is my second year taking part, and the idea is to encourage wildness, exploration and an involvement with the natural world. The daily things can be anything, from walking barefoot, to doing outdoor yoga, or growing veg to hunting out woodlice under a stone. Little things that help you reconnect with nature! Random Acts of Wildness are also fully encouraged.