Wednesday 9 January 2019

A Busy Week on the Allotment

Sort of doing not much, but also sort of feeling like I’m getting somewhere!

I discovered a couple of weeks ago that some thieving git had nicked folding pruning saw, so santa bought me another one. Momma P and I were up at our respective plots (she has branched out and now has her own) and she found… my folding pruning saw! So now I have two, but I am happy to have my old one back as it is slightly bigger than my new one. Before we found the old saw, I used my shiny new one to harshly cut down the dogwood. I planted this as I wanted to harvest the coppice stems to use for weaving, but I’ve had to let it grow for a few years to get it to the stage it can be coppiced.

All cut down.

I also discovered, maybe last week that my bottom hinge (hehehe) had sheared off, so I put it on my ever growing to-do list to buy new hinges. The goddess of new hinges spoke, and I had three new slightly longer ones bought, to replace the two old hinges and add a third in the middle of the door. Well it turns out that I have four batons on the inside of the door, so when funds allow, I will buy a fourth hinge for the right hand door, and four new ones for the left door. The hinges came from Wilkos and are only £1.50 each! Bargain. They look well good too.

I have painted my new bee box a glorious bright sunny yellow and am still deciding where to put it and how to fix it to wherever it’s going to go.

At home I have cracked on with painting gravel boards for Momma P’s new plot. I have also painted the side of the house, a paving slab, the floor, and my glasses.

I have started my new full time job this week so allotment time is now going to be relegated mostly to weekends. I have printed off my bed-by-bed to-do list and I have a plan for what I’m going to grow this year. I need to write a list of the main jobs that I can get done with minimal financial input and aim to get them done this month. When that first payday hits, ooooooooooooooooooohh boy! Big Wickes order here I come…!