Monday 6 June 2016

Day 06; #30DaysWild - Walking Barefoot on the Grass

Day six was an office-day, so when I got home I decided to do a simple #30DaysWild activity – I walked around the garden barefoot and felt the grass between my toes, and I had a cuddle with my neighbours cat. Simple things like this are great for me as they don't require much thought or preparation, and I feel better instantly. I also gave my 15th pint of blood!

Every June the Wildlife Trusts run a campaign called 30 Days Wild. This year I shall be taking part! It is my first time doing the challenge, and I’ve been planning lots of things to do over the month. The idea is to encourage wildness, exploration and an involvement with the natural world. The daily things can be anything, from walking barefoot, to doing outdoor yoga, or growing veg to hunting out woodlice under a stone. Little things that help you reconnect with nature!