You may have heard of 30 Days Wild, an event organised by
the Wildlife Trusts to get people out and engaged in nature for the month of
June. This year, they have given us a festive edition – the 7 Days of Wild Christmas! Running from December 25th to 31st, the aim is
the same; get outdoors into nature even if it’s only for 15 minutes, and see
what you can see. Stop and listen. Feel the sun on your face or make patterns
in the frost.
Simple things can include feeding the birds and given them
fresh water, or going for a cold wintry walk in a local park. It could also be
recycling your real tree, watching a sunset, spotting natural clumps of
mistletoe in trees now that the leaf cover is gone, or making items from things
you’ve found – natural wreaths, suet bird feeders, or bug houses for example.
I will be taking part as I need a reason to get out at this
time of year. I hate the festive season, so having something to focus on will
help me massively. I will be posting pictures over on my Instagram and I’ll try
to blog every day but it may not happen as I’ll be in places without internet.