I have been unemployed for two weeks now. I have a large
list of things I want to accomplish while I have Time To Do Stuff™. A day
after I finished my old job with Rushcliffe Borough Council, I was offered
& accepted a new job – full time permanent – in Birmingham, with a
conservation group.
So far with my time I feel like I haven’t achieved much. I’ve
played Settlers (Rise of an Empire) a lot (I LOVE the Settlers series – I tried
to replay Settlers 3 not long ago; oh man that shit is old). I’ve sorted out
two black bags of clothes I don’t wear, and I plan to sort out my shoes next. I’ve
had trailer driving lessons and a test (oops), and I’ve started some training
for my new job. I’ve crocheted a lot but haven’t done much work on my blankets.
I went back to my old Thursday walking group and had a nice catch up with
people I haven’t seen for the best part of nine months. I had a mini break to the seaside with David, and I saw my sister and her family.
I haven’t really crossed much off my to-do list yet, and my
first two weeks have been actually rather busy, stressful, anxiety-ridden, and I
had a four day run of getting up at 5am – what’s that all about eh?! – so for
the next two weeks I am going to crack on with my to-do list, spend some time
up the allotment before it rains too much and turns to slop, and spend some
time working on my blankets to get them finished up as much as I can. I haven’t
picked up my temperature blanket for about a week, so have lots of catching up
to do!
Cosmic CAL. Still nowhere near finishing. |
Some finds from Charmouth. Largest is about 10p sized. |
Busy making mini santa hats. |
My favourite girl - our Taffy-cat. |