Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Woe Is Me

I try not to live my sad depressed life online, but I am a sad & depressed person, who sometimes just needs to whine and feel a bit sorry for myself.

I am a bit all over the place at the moment. I am becoming more a recluse and I don’t like it, but I don’t know how to stop it. I get tickets to gigs with friends and then bail at the last minute and although lots of it are for genuine reasons, sometimes I just feel like shit and can’t face facing people who have their shit together. I do still hold onto the life limiting statement of “I should…” and I can’t let that go.

So I’m going to turn it on its head.

I should look after myself.

I should make proper, long, happy, relaxed and meaningful time for David.

I should make time for friends and not keep fobbing them off cuz I’m in a bad mood.

I should forgive myself for things I have / haven’t done or said. I am not perfect. I am human.

I should accept that sometimes I am in need of rest and recuperation, and that I cannot operate at the same pace of lots of other people.

I should accept that I won’t always be someones first choice and that it’s not my fault.

To my friends; I’m sorry I can’t keep up. This year with the commuting has really taken its toll on me, my car, my life, my finances, my energy levels. I know I have cut people off and out and I feel incredibly guilty for doing that.

Going forward I want to spend more time with people. I want reasons to leave the house that aren’t work related (what does that feel like?!).

Change is a big thing happening right now and it’s all positive, but it’s also overwhelming. Please be patient with me.