Sunday 14 March 2021

A Nice Relaxing Week (and a bit) Off Work. Sort Of. Maybe.

My idea of a good week off work is a week spent at the allotment, and that is just wot I have done. It was of course the week that David and I were supposed to be getting married and honeymooning, but that hasn’t happened due to *everything*, so we are rescheduled for later in the year.

Two weeks ago today I became the new tenant on a different plot, having decided to move from Plot 31 on the bottom road. I am now on Plot 16 on the top road, in theory less likely to flood, but closer to Momma and I don’t have to walk through slop on the roads to get to it. In theory.

In the last 11 days I have been to the plot for 10 of them. The amount of work that has been done in the past week is absolutely incredible – most of it by Momma P I think. This week we have:

·       David and I moved 25 super massive super heavy slabs from varying parts of S Birmingham because they were free and new ones would cost about £280

·       Momma P emptied my old shed and put everything in her polytunnel/on her plot

·       Water butts emptied and moved

·       Hired a man wot can to dig over my new plot and get rid of the tussocks etc

·       Taken down the polytunnel from P31 and carried it up as a whole frame to P16

·       Rebuilt and reinforced and braced the tunnel and used an excessive amount of staples to fix the cover to any available timber

·       David started making a slab base, decided it wasn't going to work, so we came up with four more options, and in the end he and Sam have made a raised solid timber deck, so it is well above the mud, but more importantly it is level, solid, secure, and my shed should last for a good decade or so

·       I have moved the 25 slabs into varying places on the allotment, some in the polytunnel, some to make a path at the side of the shed for waterbutts, some piled for now, and the rest as a path up the middle of the plot

·       Momma P has been rotavating a bit where I am placing the new beds. She has planted two beds with bulbs. I have planted the almond tree and maybe half of the garlic.

·       Momma P and I have shovelled, shifted, and bagged up half of the manure & compost, and moved it to P16 and heaped it.

·       Between us we have carried maybe 8 or 9 raised bed frames up from P31 to P16

·       Moved the solitary bee houses and bird feeders and put them back up on P16

·       Planted 3 quince bushes and placed the rest where I want them

·       Made very good use of Momma P’s car. Very good use

·       Moved about 10-11 barrow loads of bricks

·       Planted the hazel tree and some mixed whips in the plum tree dead hedge behind the bamboo

I’m sure there’s more but we have done A LOT this week. A lot a lot.

I have walked at least 3miles every day that I’ve been at the allotment – the most I’ve walked in a literal year. On one of the days I did about 6miles.

83,363 steps this week. I’ve walked about 29miles in total – most of them at the allotment, pushing a heavy wheelbarrow, or shifting huge slabs.

Anyhoo. I haven’t done much else this week. I made an orange sock and didn’t like it so I started making a stripy pair instead, which are a lot better.

I am utterly absolutely truly really totally shagged this week. Utterly knackered. But I am SO PROUD of the amount of work we’ve got done this past week, especially since last Friday when digger man came and dug over P16 for me.

I want to thank everyone who has helped – Momma P, David, Sam, Abby, and Louise. And 3 out of our 4 credit cards were also very useful.

The next stage is ordering a shed…………

Plot 16 when I took it on two weeks ago

Plot 16 now

Plot 31 two weeks ago

Plot 31 now

No idea how I got this...

What a week.

And these are the socks so far: