Wednesday 3 March 2021

Lockdown v3: Day 58

Work / home.

Been a busy one today, I haven’t stopped. I had a working lunch which is something I NEVER do, but I had back to back meetings so put myself on mute and scoffed a crisp sandwich. I’ve printed over 400 pieces of paper today, half of which were double sided. Emptied 4 ink cartridges. I had planned to use my lunchbreak to pot on the aubergine seedlings and cut down the roses, but it didn't happen.

I have found a source of free paving slabs which will help greatly towards the New Shed Project on Plot 16, so tomorrow we are moving slabs. Bigguns, they am. But it could be saving me about £100 so that’s allllllllllllll good.

Hibiscus twig is growing well.

Took a photo of the fox and flowers with natural light today and it looks a lot better.

Sorted out a load of big pots ready for digging everything up on the allotment this week.

New fat ball feeder arrived so it is now full of cat her from Her Maj the Floof™, ready for the birds to take as nesting material.

I am going to start making myself a pair of socks tonight, purple and orange. The crochet rug is on the naughty step as I don’t really like it and I’ve run out of yellow but I am trying to use up my stash so I am not buying more. She says.

Exercise today: my brain has done a lot of exercise today. A LOT. I did 20min cycling, 50s plank, hip stretches, but not all of them. Too busy/stressed to do it all.

Dinner: sketti and meatballs with homemade sauce.

I finished work at 4pm, went straight on the bike, then did my leg exercises, did the bins, cleaned the toilet, moved the car so David could park more easily, sorted the recycling, put the bins out, sorted the laundry, did the washing up, then started dinner. All by 5pm. I don’t tend to stop thinking about life until 7:30 or 8pm. Any wonder I’m so stressed / anxious / mentally exhausted.

Anyhoo, slab moving tomorrow. The first day of an 11 day run of being fucking knackered every day. Wahoo!