Thursday 5 November 2020

Lockdown Diaries: Day 01

So here we are again, sort of.

In March we were locked down and everything stopped. This time we are locked down again but only some things have stopped. I am still working full time, full pelt. David hasn’t stopped working all year.

I thought I would attempt daily blogging during lockdown v2, primarily to hold myself accountable.

I had already decided when it was just rumours that if we went into lockdown I was going to hula hoop every day. I am already going on the exercise bike every day; I started at 10 mins, now I am up to 15 mins, and this weekend I am going to go up to 20 mins a day.

So this morning I was up with the earliest of the birdies – I have been waking up at around 6:30am lately, so I got up around 7. David has had a day off work so he stayed in bed. I didn’t want to start work at 8:30 so I decided to do my days hula hooping instead. I did 10 minutes, and I am SO UNFIT. It really hurt my lungs! I thought the cycling would’ve helped but apparently not.

I haven’t done much today – been at work innit. We will soon be tucking into the remains of yesterdays pasta bake, and then I shall probably do some more crochet on my Sophies Universe blanket. I am just finishing the butterfly band part and I’m not sure that I like it. I think I wasn’t sure if I liked before I even made the blanket. So I’m not sure. I might frog it all and just do my own thing. I dunno. I also might just leave it because the thought of ripping out four hours work, to then redo four hours work, doesn’t fill me with much joy. Hmm.

I am also (on Twitter) doing an #OutsideEveryday challenge and it’s actually proving quite hard. I go into the garden. I go to the allotment. I go to my work site in Selly Oak. I repeat. I am too anxious to take myself off for a walk in the local area and the nature reserve.

My hollyhock seeds are starting to sprout, so that's nice.

Tonight we are due a massive firework display care of Dudley Council. Apparently every resident should be able to see it from their houses. We shall see.

Today I have done 10 mins hula hooping, 15 mins on the bike, walked 1.6 miles apparently, and done my weights. I use tins of beans for weights, nowt fancy.