Friday 6 November 2020

Lockdown Diaries: Day 02

Been at work, innit.

Been a nice day though. The sun was out all day. Cold when the wind blew which made me v glad to be wearing thermal undies, but lovely in the sunshine which made me not v glad to be wearing thermals! I am very grateful and thankful and happy that volunteering is still allowed during lockdown because it means I have to get out of the house and away from the laptop.

Exercise today: digging out laurel root stumps x4, stripping turf, pulling weed membrane out, walked 2.3 miles apparently, 15 mins on the exercise bike, and the bean weights. No hula hoop today. Which of course I shall make myself feel very guilty about even though I am KNACKERED and my back hurts and I have done loads. Also went up a slope with two fully loaded wheelbarrows one at a time, so that also counts. But I'll still make myself feel guilty about not hooping.

Tonight we are dining on homemade curry; it smells well good. Using our new non-stick wok! Washed down with a beer because a) I am knackered and b) banana bread beer!! Yaaaass.

The big amazing fireworks show that every Dudley resident could apparently see was a very bright speck of light in amongst the trees, so none of our road saw it. Lit up the sky though, it was almost daytime.

I did undo the blanket yesterday. Four rows. Sigh. It just wasn’t right and I wasn’t happy with it, so the blanket is now in the naughty corner and at some stage I’ll get around to doing it again.

I met a dog today, we played fetch.