Wednesday 11 November 2020

Lockdown Diaries: Day 07

I feel a bit better today because I was well miserable yesterday, but today I have been allowed out to lead a volunteer group and we had a great day in the mostly dry weather. I haven't opened my work laptop today and I also haven't read most of my emails. A good day.

Exercise today: wheelbarrows, walking (3 miles), weights, using a digging bar, digging out laurel roots, ripping up more weed membrane.

Dinner today: hot-dawgs! I really fancied some the other day so we had hot dogs. Loads of ketchup, loads of fried onion, mushroom and bell pepper, and massive buns. We don’t have a grill (I was using the oven so couldn’t use the grill) so I improvised with a cooking rack over the griddle pan. Success!

Today I found a shield bug lurking in a black currant bush. I also saw my first ever grey wagtail!