Monday 23 November 2020

Lockdown Diaries: Day 19

I watched BoJos address to the nation today and it looks like all my vols will be able to come back from next week, so that’s great news.

Today I have been working from home. I have done lots, I have wasted paper all in the name of a DSE assessment, and I have written a massive report. I hate writing reports.

Exercise today: weights! Exercise bike! 16 mins. I also attempted to hula hoop at lunchtime but I have never been able to hoop whilst wearing jeans and today was no exception. So no hula today.

Dinner today: a plate of cheese. Just joking, we’re having jacket potato, beans & cheese, with a huge side salad. The cheese includes wensleydale with cranberries because posh.

I got bitten on the allotment yesterday and my arm now has an egg growing out the side of it. I’ve been putting sudocrem on it, and Vaseline, and been popping antihistamines all day. The redness and swelling has gone down since I drew my dotted line on, but it is SO ITCHY.

I am slowly preparing the mantel shelf thing for festive season – by which I mean I have sorted out tiny crochet santa hats to put on the skeletons and varying animal skulls we have. I bought a planter with tete a tete daffs in it and planted that up today (from Wilkos online). It will go on the shelf but I need to get more grit to top it off.

My autumn wreath makes me smile every time I walk through the living room door.

My christmas aubergine fell off the plant today. I don’t think growing aubergine is my forté.