Wednesday 18 November 2020

Lockdown Diaries: Day 14

Back to work today after a four day weekend. The rain held off and we got loads done! I was a socially distanced counterweight whilst one of my ladies did all the work. We/she made a gate! It’s well good. Can’t find the bastard hinges though so I need to buy more, and then next week we can hang the gate.

My Selly Oak garden space still has countless strawberry flowers and they are starting to set fruit. The seasons are well out of whack this year.

Exercise today: sawing wood, apparently 3.4 miles walking, and that’s it.

Dinner today: pizzzaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

I have not had my work laptop on for five whole days, but tomorrow I shall be in front of it all day.

A very work related blog but that's life. Been to work, been to Sainsburys, came home, did dinner. Yup. My flu jab is ITCHING today. SO ITCHY.