Tuesday 12 January 2021

Lockdown v3: Day 08

Today I went to a couple of work sites to check on bits and bobs and pieces. The bulbs that the vols planted in the hanging baskets and urn planters are coming up, and we’ve got rows of brassicas in the greenhouse.

Back home in the garden I found some carrots that I forgot I planted. I sowed these seeds back in April last year at the start of the first lockdown. Sow in Lockdown v1 and harvest in Lockdown v3. They’re not huge but they’re plenty big enough to roast whole on Sunday.

I have put some chopped spring onion ends in water to see if they grow. I knew these tiny plant pot drip trays would come in useful.

Made a pasta sauce from scratch today and it’s fair to say it was my best one yet. Was. All gone now.

Exercise today: walked 1.5miles, pushed a heavy overloaded wheelbarrow, plank, push ups, side to side twists, and cycling.

Dinner today: pasta sauce.

Ingredients: onion, garlic, leek, spring onion, small tomatoes, large tomatoes, broccoli, celery, mushroom, courgette, bell pepper, chickpeas, some dried mixed herbs, dried ground garlic, and some salt. And a splash of water but not a lot.

The electrical men are coming tomorrow to test all of the electrics and tell me that the fuseboard needs replacing.

I have decided to tweak the b1 pattern and add some funk all up in it. Not sure if it'll work tho. Still waiting for the b2 extra yarn to arrive.