Saturday 23 January 2021

Lockdown v3: Day 19

A very good day today. Another no bra day. Always good.

David decided he wanted to make some beer bread and so he did with minimal help from me. It was a super wet dough but it tastes good, with an aftertaste of beer. Literally beer, SR flour, sugar.

I finished blanket 2 just before bedtime last night so it is now on top of the storage trunk / footrest. Looks well good. Also good for just tucking your toes under the edge. There is a folded blanket underneath it too for padding.

So I needed a new project to start, and whilst scrolling through Instagram this morning I found THIS PATTERN to make a crochet Bernie Sanders. I mean, how could I not?! So today I have been making a Bernie. The body and head are done, the hair isn’t perfect yet. I need to find/buy some pipe cleaners to put in the arms and legs so that I can position them. Also I absolutely hate working with black yarn so the arms and legs will be slow to make. He has a long way to go. Tomorrow I will make his coat and maybe his legs. I can make the legs but will have to wait to attach them.

I put the other string of bunting up along the stairs – just tied it onto the bannister.

We have had a smattering of snow last night and through today. The snowdrop was looking rather sad but it’ll pick back up. Today has been a bird watching day. The song thrush has been singing for a week or so now, and today there were three woody woodpeckers chasing each other. I thought two were fighting but I think they were playing kiss chase. I also saw a nuthatch! So that’s a new bird for the list for this year so far.

Exercise today: D has got a 5 minute yoga app because he wants to improve his flexibility so we did that yesterday and today. I have also done 10min cycling, and some push ups.

Dinner: leftover beef stew with dumplings and beer bread. Yummers. I’ve had my fill of meat now though.

The avocado leaves are starting to unfurl!

How Bernie will look when I finish him

How Bernie currently looks.