Friday 5 February 2021

Lockdown v3: Day 32

A lazy day today.

I tried some false eyelashes today for the first time in my 32 and a bit years. I now know how it feels like to be a stupid car with fake eyelashes on the headlights. How do people wear these? How do you line them up properly? How you get them to stick to the curve of your eyelid? HOW??? I may never wear them again.

Garden news: not a lot. Bulbs are bulbing, saffron crocus are in full leaf, ground is wet. No sign of carrots/radishes/spring onions yet but they now have a cloche over them so if it does snow, they’re protected.

Loofah seedlings are looking good. Asparagus seedlings in the fat ball tub was the new source of fungus gnats (seriously the tub was FULL of the little fuckers) so I took it down the far end of the garden before taking the lid off, and have now potted up the asparagus seedlings into four smaller pots instead, with fresh compost. The old compost got chucked on the garden. Hopefully will have less gnats now, but the pots are in a tub so if any appear, they are trapped.

I sprayed the house again yesterday and it’s made a difference but there’s one or two survivors, so I shall spray again next week. Not a fan of using insecticide so much but I need to get rid of them.

Saw a squirrel with a huge rack today. Sans biscuit.

Decided to do some whittling. I’ve been thinking about making another crochet hook for a while. I snipped some bits off my apple tree but haven’t used them yet. Yesterday at the allotment I cut down a hawthorn whip that was growing in my raspberry bed, so I today I have turned it into a crochet hook. It isn’t perfect, but I need to let it dry out properly now. I used my penknife, an emery board, and some cheapo sandpaper from poundland.

I have made a small cotton square today, mainly to test my wrist to see how it would cope with the crochet movement and the answer is not well, so a few more days of rest is needed. However I now have a new cotton cloth to use around the house. They’re good for cleaning vegetables with.

Exercise today: vacuumed the whole house, leg stretchy things, 40s plank.

Dinner today: curry!

I had my first creme egg of the year last night.

Saffron crocus

New hook is on the right