Wednesday 17 February 2021

Lockdown v3: Day 44

Work. Dull. Had enough of it now. I want to be back on site.

Today for lunch I cut a load of strawberries in half and smeared them with lemon buttercream that’s been in the fridge since I made the lemon cake a couple of weeks ago. I had my usual lunch stuff too but the only thing of note was strawberries smeared with buttercream.

Socks are progressing well. Time to start working on the ankle and up to the leg now.

There’s a clump of crocus growing in the garden that I didn’t plant and they’re growing through an ornamental grass thing (that I hate) so they’re growing really tall to get to the light.

I have brought the cut off ends of wood home for a project so they’re now upstairs to dry so I can fix them all together.

Pancakes were a success! David said “there’s enough batter there for pancakes tomorrow”. I said “not bloody likely”.

Exercise today: pfft.

Dinner today: sketti and meatballs and cheddar & tomato flatbread because horror of horrors, we have run out of garlic bread. RUN OUT OF GARLIC BREAD. HOWWWWWWWWW.

Momma P has had her blanket so now I can show it off to the world!