Sunday 21 February 2021

Lockdown v3: Day 48

A mixed bag, today.

Youngest step son (still weird saying that) is 20 today.

I have bawled my eyes out again and dribbled snot onto David. I am exhausted. Beyond tired. Also struggling quite a lot with self worth, general depression, body image, self hate & loathing. Ya know, the usual.

Garden news:

·       16 radish seedlings are up

·       No sign of the carrots or spring onions

·       Clump of crocus that I didn’t plant have started to open

·       Planters out the front are really full, loads of crocus are opening, the red deadnettle has been in flower for ages, and loads of tulips are pushing up now

·       My hibiscus twig from poundland is coming into bud already! But it is in the house, wrapped in a plastic bag, by the radiator

·       The first flower has appeared in the bulb hanging basket. I do like these yellow stripy crocus

·       I potted up two redcurrant twigs in some compost. I am hoping they will root and I will get new redcurrant bushes. Never tried it before but if it works, I will take cuttings of the bushes at work too

Exerci….. nah.

Dinner: big roasty roasty. I have made THE BIGGEST DudleyPuds today, and I think I might start a construction business whereby people buy my DudleyPuds and use them to build walls.

I have written a list of simple things to do each day this week which will hopefully help me to feel better, things like – having a bath (I currently feel too guilty to indulge in a bath and am too stressed/anxious to relax while in it, so I just won’t bother), washing my hair, reading a book. I know I have been busy this week getting the socks done but it’s because I’ve been so anxious and I’ve needed to keep my hands and brain quietly busy, and I don’t feel guilty about doing crochet. But a bath, ohh nooo, far too indulgent.

Hibiscus twig