Friday 26 February 2021

Lockdown v3: Day 53

Not much to say today.

Forgot to say I made orange cake with orange juice and orange zest and then I made cinnamon icing and grated more orange zest onto it. Gurt lush.

The cars were frozen this morning but I’ve spent a lot of money so it’s ok. Payday wooooooooo! Nabbed me a new mini greenhouse in Wilkos – looked EVERYWHERE for one last year and couldn’t get one anywhere but for £15 it was too good to leave behind. Also bought another arch to go up on the allotment, so that’s tomorrows job. Momma Pat and I parked behind the park and walked through the greenery to get to the shops so we've done a bit of walking today.

Not a lot of piccies today.

Poundland hibiscus twig has leaves now.

Avocado is growing well and the leaves look healthy

Started making the crochet rug and have had to steal more yarn off Momma P. I want to not buy more but I think I might need to. Hmm. I have ordered more alpaca wool to make myself a pair of socks!! The luxury.

Dinner tonight will be posh fish n chips with mushy paes.