Monday 15 February 2021

Lockdown v3: Day 42

I take it back, I am still miserable. I was going to go for a walk today but just couldn’t face it. I am running out of steam at work. I am out on site tomorrow so that’ll be good. I will actually see another person!!

I have started watching Firefly Lane on Netflix. It’s got the lady from Scrubs in it.

Last night I started making my next project. Socks! David requested a pair of socks to match the colours on the trunk topper blanket that I made at new year. So a pair of stripy socks is on the go. I am making both at the same time so I can keep the tension and row width in check. I also have to sew the ends away each time I change colour. I have done the toes and am now starting the increase for the gusset. Using alpaca wool from the Isle of Wight, same as his last pair of socks and his pair of gloves. This is only my second attempt at making socks.

I took the lids off the plant boxes today. Not all the plants are looking very good but some are looking really healthy. I need to pot them up and put them in the polytunnel ideally – I just haven’t got room for them at home or in the garden. The mini greenhouse is full of sweetpeas and hollyhocks.

I don’t know how I have done it but my jade plant is MAKING BABY JADE PLANTS! Wahoooo. I lied, I do know how I have done it. I pulled a healthy leaf off, cleared some grit away, and just left it resting on the surface with the exposed cut end of the leaf in contact with the compost. Give or take four months later and they’re putting out roots and fresh baby plants! One of them is well rooted and it won’t move. I shall leave them for a while yet to get bigger and stronger, and will eventually pot them up by themselves. So basically, pull off a leaf, stick it on some dirt, forget about it. Water a tiny drop once every six weeks maybe, if you remember.

Exercise today: hip stretches, 10min cycling. I have put the bike seat up a bit higher now too. The silver lines mark previous heights.

Dinner today: chish and fips and paes.