Friday 19 February 2021

Lockdown v3: Day 46

Today is hard. I have barely slept this week and I had really horrible dreams/nightmares about an old school teacher last night. Today has been spent in a haze. I am _so_ tired. So so so so so so TIRED. Just tired. Also a bit depressed but that’s par for the course.

Been shopping today for the stuff we forgot yesterday (more strawberries to use up the rest of the buttercream). Went to the allotment to take a load of cardboard and to feed the birds. I stood in the rain and wind and watched the birds for a bit. Saw loads today. Wren, robin, blue tit, great tit, goldfinch, blackbird, sparrow, gull, pigeon, great spotted woodpecker.

I took the mesh off the other garlic bed today so that in a few weeks time I can sow some other seeds for intercropping. I am going to do spinach, radish, spring onion, corn salad, and maybe some other stuff. Quick growing shallow things that won’t disturb the garlic.

Lots of crocus coming out on the plot.

The socks are in the naughty corner. I have done the heel of one sock twice and it just isn’t working so I’ve had to unpick it all twice. I am too tired to try and concentrate and figure it out, so the socks that are SO CLOSE to being done, are not getting done.

Exercise today: nah.

Dinner today: homemade curry. I ate some chicken. Every time I try some chicken I am reminded of why I am vegetarian.

I have finished watching Firefly Lane on Netflix.

How many more fucking days left of lockdown?