Sunday 14 February 2021

Lockdown v3: Day 41

Feeling a bit better today. Sometimes ya just need a good, snotty, bawling-your-eyes-out, crying sesh. Also lots of cuddles and kisses from a David. And hiding under a crochet blanket.

Today I have been firmly planted on the sofa, doing some crochet, eating some pastry, rewatching all eight episodes of Bridgerton.

Think I have finally cracked this batter pudding lark. Not Yorkshire because I am in DUDLOI. Dudleypuds. I bought a new mini loaf tin yesterday so forevermore I shall make mini loaf tin duck egg whole milk Dudleypuds. Posho.

The blue blanket is FINISHED and EDGED and WASHED and SO SOFT. I am excited. Momma P shall get it on Tuesday along with a delivery of compost. I spoil ‘er. I have sorted out the alpaca wool ready for sock making to begin.

David gave me my second present today – a fox vase to go with the hedgehog planter. I put it on the mantel and have now rearranged the mantel. I added a shelf (that was originally made for my desk) but I am happy with it on the mantel. It is also yellow and bright and sunshiney. 

Yes I did give David a box of lego.

The little paperwhite daffs are growing well, but they are next to a radiator.

Exercise today: hip exercises

Dinner today: big fat roasty roasty with Dudleypud. David has got a mini roasty roasty avec Dudleypud for his lunch tomo.