Tuesday 3 October 2023

Blogtober Day 03

Today I am trying new things and blogging from my phone, so I have absolutely no idea if this will work. I'm sitting at my desk eating tuna sandwiches for dinner ahead of my evening meeting. I had eaten my lunch by 11am so had to go to the co op to resupply which came in the form of a cinnamon pastry and a bag of minstrels.

No cow related fun today but I have been on a brisk wind chilled walk up and down the car park of Carding Mill Valley - should've worn my hat, the wind was so sharp.

I found a massive paw print in the mud and suspect it's from the giant puppy who roams the park. He is a mastiff. A massive mastiff! Such a gentle boy but lots of slobber.

Only another 5 (maybe 6) hours at work to go...