Sunday 15 October 2023

Blogtober Day 15: A Speshul Day

A speshul day today! Speshul like me. I’m thirty-five! Halfway to seventy! Middle aged or in the prime? I’ve never been in the prime. Today I cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed upstairs, tidied the lounge, taken the wheelie bin for a walk, and have done two loads of laundry. I had birthday cake for breakfast and lunch and a mid afternoon snacky snack. I woke up to a notification from Google Assistant wishing me a happy birthday, which was much better than yesterdays notifications (plural – text, voicemail, and email) from the Environment Agency about a flood warning.

I have been on a little adventure to the allotment, it’s an adventure because it’s in Birmingham and there’s roadworks everywhere so I had to do a massive diversion to avoid it all. A couple of hours in the sunshine with my momma. Gurt lush.

David and I have been OUT OUT for dinner, because I wasn’t cooking dinner on my birthday, oh no. I cook on nearly every other day of the year.

I decided to treat myself again and use my curly hair cream stuff. I put waaaayyyy too much on and had to scuzz it all off with the towel. Now my hair is all nice and curly but it really annoys me when I wear it down (no cutting it short won't help, I want long mermaid hair) so I’ll have to wash it again tomorrow to get the product out…

Second yorkshire pudding as a freebie for the birthday gal

Strawberry sauce as a freebie for the birthday gal