Wednesday 25 October 2023

Blogtober Day 25

My uterus decided to wake up this past weekend. I was hoping that with this implant I would have a couple of years without blood, but maybe not. I am now using this as my excuse to bosh entire bars of Dairy Milk in one go, not that I needed an excuse. Me and Dairy Milk is no problemmo. I could easily eat a 200g bar a day to myself….! I need to restock my emergency drawer at work because I had the last choccy bar today (a single Galaxy Ripple, honest). I am very loose about what constitutes an emergency requiring chocolate.

Today at work I went for a restorative lunchtime walk in the woods, partly to get some fresh air and stretch my legs, but mostly because I went on a managerial inspection of the flood damage and to take photos to direct the team to fix stuff. I wore all my woollens because I was really cold when I left, but by the time I got back to the office I was SO toasty I had to take it all off and sat in the office with the window open!

The field at home is drying up nicely. Well, draining, not drying. It’s very squelchy still. The geese (literally HUNDREDS of them) look a bit put out because there’s no water.

Lamb tagine for dinner and then tomorrow I shall freeze the rest. Last day of my first aid course tomorrow. I feel like after three months I am finally settling into the role and getting things done.

Had a close encounter with a buzzard today when I came home. I think they like the flooding because it gives them places to hunt.