Friday 20 October 2023

Blogtober Day 20

A late blog today because a) I’m not really in the mood, and b) because I WAS in the mood to darn, and so I have. I’ve been sat in front of the fire repairing the thumb tube on my most favourite pair of gloves that I’ve had for probably 13 or 14 years now. I’ve been using a 25mm wooden crochet hook to give me the tension because my darning mushroom don’t fit.

This morning we awoke to a soggy kitchen and a blocked drain (it’s not really blocked, it’s more that it doesn’t actually go anywhere. I’m sure the National Trust just put it there for decoration). It took us a couple of hours and all of the towels we own to get the kitchen dry and unflooded.  The towels have been in the washing machine for nearly NINE HOURS today - 2.5hr hot wash followed by a 2.5hr dry, which was interrupted by a mini power cut, so on again for another 2.5hrs but it then changed itself to a 4hr cycle, and then I've done another load of laundry wash and dry after that.... Good job I'm in the green with the electricity bill! David was then put on standby for Search and Rescue, eventually disappearing off at half four to be on standby somewhere else. I’m not expecting him home until the small hours.

I have made him a new hat to go with his new socks, he’s such a lucky boy.

Today it is payday and so I have treated myself to some new knick-knacky-knoos, big enough to cover my bumbum. The ever growing bumbum. John Lewis knicks too, fancy eh.

I succumbed and checked my work emails today, given the state of the weather. The park looks pretty soggy. Monday will not be fun.