Friday 6 October 2023

Blogtober Day 06

Friday funday at Quatt Craft Club – think it was our biggest sessions yet. I counted 24 people at one point, excluding the setter-uppers and helpers! It was 22c when I left craft club at 1:30pm – hardly October weather!! This is the time of year for me to be wrapping up in homemade woollens, not sweltering in shorts and t shirts.

This afternoon I have been working from home, trying to get my head around legionella risk assessments and the actual testing regime. It’s a lot. Who knew flushing a tap would be so tricky.

The garden is still in bloom. A lot of things have been grown from direct sown seeds which I’m quite pleased about. I finally have a musk mallow in flower.

The birthday fairy has heard my cries for a new pair of slippers. Pink!! Fluffy!! Pompoms!!

This weekend I think I shall do some gardening and bramble clearing. There is a rather large tendril reaching across our lounge window that I’ve been looking at for weeks thinking I need to cut it back but haven’t. So I shall.

Pizza for dindins today. David has just finished a run of seven days at work - his last ever!!