Thursday 26 October 2023

Blogtober Day 26

Today at work I laminated lots of signs and then did some first aid training and then ate a massive cinnamon pastry. You’ll all be relieved to hear that I have restocked my emergency chocolate drawer.

I am incredibly tired. It is 7pm and I think I’ll be going to bed soon. My eyes are going blurry.

Not many pictures today.

David had his last day at work yesterday! Which meant he has been home today so he has cooked dinner. Chicken and pasta with homemade sauce. Sooo good.

I have finished the first cuff on the first glove. I am too tired to compute the second one, so that’ll be a tomorrow job. I have also decided to start a recent project completely over because I’m not at all happy with it. My weekend shall be spent frantically crocheting to get things done.

Nighty night.