Sunday 1 October 2023

September 2023 (and Blogtober day 01!)

I have decided this year to have a go at Blogtober, whereby I write a new and different blog every day for the whole of October. I always start these things with good intentions and give up after the first week. I blogged daily during lockdown and furlough and it was actually really hard work!! So lets try again.

How was September? It seemed to last forever. I think the not commuting so far is making days feel longer because I’m not spending so long driving. I’m usually home by 4:45pm every day instead of 6pm. It’s been soooooo nice.

Anyhoo, September! Read on.



This month has not been so productive for new things as I have been working on my pink ombre diamond waffle stitch blanket instead. I had been waiting for a yarn order but now it has arrived I need to get on with a couple of commissions. I also had to wait for more sparkly teal to arrive so that I could finish the manta ray. Which I still haven't finished.

This month I have made, fixed, or finished:

·       Not a lot!

·       A crochet whale

·       A large crochet grumpy froggo

·       Done loads more on the pink blanket

·       Started a sparkly manta ray

Craft club was fun. I didn’t go to the August session as it was my first week at work, I went to September half at work (I took my laptop and was half emailing, half crocheting), and I have now been told that I am to attend craft club every month but to not take my phone or laptop, and instead make up the hours. It’s so nice to have supportive managers who recognise the need for headspace and time out!

The next Quatt Craft Club is Friday 6th October, 10am at the Village Hall. All free! 


Cat Life

He enjoys using my arm as a chew toy, howling as he goes. I think it is a play thing but he has started to do it more and more and getting harder with his teeth so I have had to put a stop to it. It’s actually quite cute and funny but his teef are sharp.

He’s defo very comfortable in this house. We had a shrew in the lounge for a couple of weeks – it ran past the cats face as he was eating and he completely ignored it. One morning at 4am he came to bed and was purring, very pleased with himself, trying to wake me up. At 7am, we found the dead shrew on the bedroom floor. Such a good boy. Sort of.


Not much has happened this month, but I have made a start on getting rid of some of the smaller paths, extending raised beds to give me more growing space, and putting down plastic to cover the paths to reduce the amount of mowing. Next step is to get paving slabs to go on top of the plastic, mainly to reduce the slip n slide and the likelihood of me going tit over.

The autumn raspberries are doing SO well. I acquired these canes from an old job when we closed down one of the gardens and they are so prolific. Massive huge berries too.


My new phone came with a new watch which has a fitbit and my conclusion thus far is that I am not very fit. I am trying to walk more at work instead of driving around town so much. It’s a small town so journeys are less than half a mile..! Really not worth driving.


Physical Health

This month I am going to start hula hooping, aiming for four times a week. I START TODAY. Yes I do. Did I just think of this so I had something to write here? Abso-flogging-lutely.


Mental Health

Still fairly low but it always is, and the only way is up, right? It’s October which means Halloween décor is being put out today which will cheer me up no end. I am going to make a pumpkin garland. Yes I am.

My car ticked over 80085 mileage which made me laugh no end.



Exciting news as I have recruited two new staff members. For the first time ever, I was on the other side of the interview table and my gollygee was it peculiar. I am really enjoying the job and getting into the rhythm of things now.



Mo’ money, mo’ problems, ain’t that the truth. I got my first Charlie boy 50p!

The “leftover money” I mentioned last month doesn’t seem to have much leftover. On the budget sheet it does, but in the bank account it doesn’t.



It has been a glorious month but we are desperately in need of upgrading our mower. Perhaps for a mulching deck one. We have had our current mower for two years and it was at least second hand back then. I finally saw a brimstone butterfly – I usually see them in February! Didn’t see my first until September, a laaaaaaaaady. I have been collecting seeds ready for next year. The pumpkin patch has NOT worked. Next year I am going to cut more beds in and grow more food, and I won’t mix parsnip and carrots as the ‘nips have dwarfed the ‘rots this year. I have also planted SO MANY bulbs and still have hundreds to go. Hundreds!! More is more.

I have seen quite a few muntjac this month, and spent some time watching the battybat flitting around outside the front door. We also had a green woodpecker in the garden – the first one I’ve seen since we moved here!!

I held a not-so-secret surprise birthday shindig for David as he is turning Big Birthday Years Old in a couple of weeks. It is the first time we have had friends round in the garden and it was so nice. Two firepits going, campfire calzone, and crochet blankets galore.

The tradescantia that I got from Ironbridge last month is PROLIFIC. I took five cuttings, three of which flowered while they were still in the glass of water! And there’s so many more stems to take cuttings from. I need to buy some compost, I have a lot of potting up to do.


Other Stuff


It was SO GREAT.

A 60ft car transporter!! I have always, always, ALWAYS wanted to drive one, for a long time before I could even drive. I don’t know why, I just always have. Anyhoo, David got me one of those driving experiences for christmas last year, and this job meant I could finally afford to book it. I had 40mins driving a lorry, David was passenger, and the American instructor man was in the middle. It was SO FUN. So much fun. I drove around Abingdon Airfield and did some obstacles and reversing manoeuvres. I got up to a heady 18mph at one point. Honestly seriously truly thinking about getting my HGV licence now. I already have provisional…

Also, we have now been in this house for two years! Two years!! The external decorators have been round, they’ve painted the windows shut, and now we’ve got white streaks all over the front door because they did it when we weren’t here so the outside of the door has an edge of old paint with white marks, then the middle of the door is all fresh and shiny. Hey ho. And they haven’t fixed the door, they just painted over it. And they haven’t fixed the window where a pane of glass was only held in with paint. And they haven't fixed the window that is made of two panes of glass butted together to make one. And they haven’t fixed the rotten window seat that we can’t sit on for fear of collapse. But they did paint the down pipes from the guttering and the bird box on the side of the house. Hey ho!


Well, that’s a strong start for Blogtober. I can’t guarantee that the rest will be so exciting!