Friday 27 October 2023

Blogtober Day 27

A much more betterer day today! I think I slept for around 10 hours. I felt much better when I woke up this morning. I wore my bird jumper to work today, made by my mommy. My little office is SO cold, so I have to wear lots of layers to keep warm. And then this afternoon I went for a walk to look at a tree, and it was cold and drizzly so I put my huge work coat on over the top! I was SO toasty. And I saw a woodpecker and a flock of siskins. Very good day.

I have done the wrist cuffs and since taking the photo have also done the thumb tubes for my gloves. I need to do the finger tubes now. Tomorrow I shall not be leaving the house at all, I am going to be firmly parked on the sofa, frantically crocheting to make a dent in all of the commissions I need to get made. Gotta get made or I don’t get paid.

Dinner today was pizza washed down with beer and to follow will be………….. Dairy Milk. Can’t get enough. And I had a cinnamon swirl at work because I was too lazy/tired/dead to do a packed lunch last night, so I went to the co-op today. Always gotta get a pastry. I love pastry.

A good day today. Yes.

Today is mine and Davids monthiversary – our first date was December 27th – so today marks 6years and 10months, or 82 months total. Aww.