Saturday 14 October 2023

Blogtober Day 14

A very exciting day today as I toasted a hot cross bun (hello easter) and managed to trip a circuit, so the fridge and washing machine went kaput.

I was going to have a lazy day today. I had a lie in and the cat was most confused when David got out of bed before me. I was going to play ‘puter games and crochet and eat junk, but then decided it was too nice an autumnal day to spend inside, so I have been over to Brummingham to see my momma. We’ve been here and there and everywhere, buying plants and yarn and plants and cake and hot cross buns. I bought a pot of three cardoooooooons, which I’ve been singing to the tune of Mor’du, and now I feel all Victorian and olde timey. They're just old fashioned artichokes I think, but that doesn't fit the song.

I have worn three handmade items today: my jumper, a woollen cowl/neckwarmer, and my wristwarmer glove things. It’s been such a glorious day. A proper autumnal sunshiney but cold day. My fave.

Yesterday I had a sale in my Etsy shop, so now I have three crochet commissions I need to get made. If anyone knows any goat puns please let me know, so far I have Billy the Kid, Ingoatnito (the camouflage goat), and Vincent van Goat.